Friday, March 30, 2012

Altostratus Clouds

Altostratus Clouds

Altostratus Clouds are located worldwide, but are more coarse in mid latitudes. These clouds are found in the mid levels of the atmosphere and can be just a thin veil fluctuating to a layer 2,000-3,000m thick. Commonly Altostratus will consist of ice crystals near the top and water crystals lower down. They are always a sign of a necessary amount of moisture being held in those layers and cover a very large area, sometimes over thousands of square miles. Commonly it is too thick, but when it is thin the Sun and Moon may be visible straight through Altostratus.

Altostratus Clouds

Altostratus Clouds

Altostratus Clouds

Altostratus Clouds

Altostratus Clouds

Altostratus Clouds form at warm fronts and is the follow of condensation when warm moist is lifted above cooler air. When it is sufficiently thick Altostratus can produce rain or snow over a very large area.

When stratus cloud covers the whole sky it can be difficult to decree either it is low level or mid level cloud. As a normal rule of thumb if you can make out a texture in the cloud deck then it is likely to be low level stratus, if there is no discernible buildings and appears level and featureless then it is likely to be mid level altostratus clouds.

Summarised facts about Altostratus Clouds:

Altostratus clouds regularly form ahead of a front producing widespread and often continuous precipitation.

These clouds Commonly form in the middle of 2,000 and 3,000m and often produce long, steady rain.

Altostratus are thinner if formed at higher altitudes but are heavier and more dense if closer to the ground.

They are formless gray to bluish clouds that form a thin veil over the sun and moon.

Altostratus are coarse in the advance of a warm front, preceding nimbostratus clouds.

Altostratus clouds are potentially dangerous because they can cause ice to form on the wings of aircraft that fly trough them.

There are a amount of features allowing the observer to distinguish varied stratus clouds from each other:

Stratus clouds bring much Lighter precipitation (drizzle) than nimbostratus;

Altostratus clouds are Lighter in colour and less opaque than nimbostratus, so sunLight can be seen straight through them;

Cirrostratus clouds never bring precipitation and have a thin, whitish, veil-like structure, characteristic for cirrus;

Stratocumulus bring only light precipitation and have a clearly visible base with no ifs ands or buts distinguished isolate cloud elements.

If the altostratus clouds cover a large portion of the sky, are approaching from the direction of the wind at the clouds' level, and are expanding in coverage, then widespread precipitation could be imaginable in the area.

Altostratus Clouds

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Sunday, March 18, 2012

Used Car Covers

Used Car Covers

A car is often one of the first big investments that habitancy make. Hence it is important for the owner to safe his car well, especially from the troops of nature that are most likely to damage the car. Mostly these are weather conditions like wind, rain, sun, and dirt. There are also other things that can damage or harm a car, like bird droppings.

Used Car Covers

Used Car Covers

Used Car Covers

Used Car Covers

Used Car Covers

There are a lot of accessories ready with which to safe one's cars. One of the most basic accessories is a car cover. A car cover is an invaluable accessory that helps safe the car. It is the basic tool to safe a car from wind, dust, rain and snow. A car cover is like a second skin that covers the car completely.

There are many types of car covers ready in the market. From ones that cover a car like a sleeping bag to the ones that form a small caging for the car where the car is protected inside, there are many types. These are also transportable covers with a steel frame for strength.

People ordinarily keep their cars protected inside garages. However, not all habitancy have garages or passage to them, and their cars are kept in the open. In city conditions, habitancy living in apartment buildings often have to park their cars outside, on the pavement or next to the road. In these conditions, a car cover is a good idea.

For that matter, even inside a garage, a car needs to be protected with a car cover. It is a tasteless trust that if one's car is inside a garage, a car cover becomes redundant. However, even inside a garage, a car should be protected from dust, insect and other such dangers.

Car covers can be quite expensive. However, there are a lot of used car covers that are ready in any automobile store and from dealers. It is important to keep the make of the car in mind since the covers are made to fit the size of the cars. The Internet has come to be an invaluable reserved Supply for looking cheap used car covers.

Used Car Covers

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Wedding Day Rain

Wedding Day Rain

There is an old saying that rain on your wedding day is a lucky omen. The Italians even have a saying for it, "Sposa bagnata, sposa fortunata", which means that a wet bride is a lucky bride. In the U.S., it is generally repeated that rain is lucky, although most brides would prefer a dry day and a little less luck!

Wedding Day Rain

Wedding Day Rain

Wedding Day Rain

Wedding Day Rain

Wedding Day Rain

Rain is also considered to be a good wedding omen in Germany, Sweden, and France. This is maybe because rain is related with a bountiful harvest, and thus, fertility. Some believe that the rainier the wedding day, the more children the marriage will produce. (So if you get married while a downpour, I guess that you can expects to have triplets!)

However, not everyone considers rain to be a lucky charm; consider the old adage, "Happy is the bride whom the sun shines on". There are some superstitions that are said to ward off rain on the wedding day. One is to feed your cat on the morning of the wedding (this is a strange one - shouldn't you feed your cat every morning?). Catholics can hang a rosary outdoors on the day of their nuptials to put a stop to rain in time for the ceremony. In parts of Spain, to avoid rain the bride or her mum can deliver a dozen freshly laid eggs to the nuns of the convent of St. Clare.

Whether you consider rain to be a lucky sign or not, there is all the time a opportunity that it will fall on your wedding day. To make wet weather less of an issue, plan in develop for inclement weather. If you are planning an outdoor wedding, check the Farmer's Almanac for the driest times of year in your hometown. Also be prepared with shelter for guests and the couple, or a backup location if the weather forces you to Move the ceremony inside. For weddings in tents, order a floor to avoid having your reception in a mud pit.

For an indoor wedding, the rain more of an annoyance than a real problem. If there is rain in the forecast for your big day, arm yourself with plentifulness of golf umbrellas. The bride also may want to get dressed at the church if the weather is for real nasty. The way to cope that is to be thoroughly ready, other than the gown. The bride should have on her extra wedding jewelry, her fancy undergarments, and all but her gown and shoes. Put duplicate plastic covers over the gown to keep it dry, then slip into it once arriving at the church. If changing into your gown at the ceremony site is impractical, at least wait to put on your bridal shoes until arriving on dry land. You don't want to squish your way down the aisle in soggy footwear!

If is does end up raining on your wedding day, the best thing to do is grin and bear it. I once attended a wedding ceremony held in a park on a very wet day. It was treacherous going down a steep hill of wet grass in high heels, but the integrate had posted ushers with large umbrellas to guide the ladies to the ceremony site (which fortunately did have a tent over it), and some of the male guests also pitched in to help. It rained and rained, to the point where you could barely hear the musicians playing while the guests were being seated (and we were all wondering how we would hear the vows). Then the most fabulous thing happened: just as the ceremony began, the rain suddenly stopped and the sky cleared. The bride and groom exchanged their vows under a beautiful beam of sunshine, which seemed like a lucky omen, indeed. Even though her train was soaked, and her hair was frizzy, the bride was Radiant with an inner bliss (and at least her wedding jewelry was dry and fabulous!).

So if the weatherman predicts inclement weather for your wedding day, just remember the French saying, "Mariage pluvieux, mariage heureux", which promises a happy marriage as a ensue of a wet wedding. And if you don't buy into the idea that rain is lucky, there is all the time the old standby: Rain, rain, go away - come again another day!

Wedding Day Rain

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