Thursday, December 29, 2011

My Basement Flooded - What Will guarnatee Cover?

My Basement Flooded - What Will guarnatee Cover?

There are few things that surprise a homeowner more than a flooded basement. Ordinarily the damage occurs while you are at work or away from the home so it could be hours before the damage is seen. The first understanding in most minds is to find the source and stop it then the second understanding is will my guarnatee cover this.

When your home is flooded there are Ordinarily two culprits that cause this damage, a broken water pipe or heavy rain. Your guarnatee course will only cover sudden and accidental disbursement of water and not rising ground water. There is a big divergence between the two and the guarnatee fellowships claim adjusters do their best to determine the cause of the flood. If you have renters guarnatee or homeowners guarnatee the coverage is the same and will not cover water that comes into the house via heavy rain.

If you live in a manifold unit building such as a condo or apartment you can also have flooding occur from a neighbors unit. In most cases this happens when a washing machine hose breaks or pipe bursts. Similar to a home it Ordinarily is hours before the damage is noticed and allows the water to soak into everything. The good news is that the guarnatee course of the neighbor will cover your property damage but the bad news is they may not have insurance. If the neighbor doesn't have guarnatee you will have to pay your deductible to heal or replace your damaged property. Obviously you can sue the neighbor for damages but that is beyond the scope of this article.

Here are a few tips to help preclude that surprise flood:
Keep the heat above 55 degrees when leaving the house in winter Check your washing machine hoses and replace if worn Fix any leaks immediately as they can build into bigger problems later If you have a sump pump in the basement test it works every month Detach outdoor hoses from faucets in winter Water damage is very hard to heal and can cost thousands of dollars. There is no way to fully safe against flooding but having the right guarnatee can save you a lot of money. Make sure you understand what your guarnatee course will cover.

See Also : Rechargeable Batteries | Green Battery Chargers | Waterproof Running GPS

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